
No liability
Despite our best efforts to ensure the accuracy of this website, it is always possible that over time certain information may become out of date or no longer be correct. FG Restaurant can accept no liability for the consequences of activities undertaken on the basis of this website.

Property rights
All intellectual property rights to the information, images or any other material on this website accrue exclusively to FG Restaurant and its suppliers. Subject to the exceptions imposed in or according to the Copyright Act 1912, no part of this website may be reproduced or published without prior written permission from FG Restaurant.

Any requests for permission or other information must be addressed to:

FG Restaurant
Katshoek 37b
3032 AE Rotterdam
Tel: +31 10 425 0520
E-mail: info@fgrestaurant.nl

Third parties
Certain references in this website lead to information sources that are managed by third parties, and over which FG Restaurant exercises no control. FG Restaurant will accept no responsibility for the accuracy or any other aspects of the information contained on servers and websites of third parties.


Address & Directions

FG Restaurant
Katshoek 37b
3032 AE Rotterdam
the Netherlands

Tel: +31 10 425 0520
E-mail: info@fgrestaurant.nl